Thursday, 22 September 2011

bad luck.

things have been quiet, i know... after three weeks of having a cold, a throat infection and on/off fevers, i finally jumped for joy when it appeared that i had fully healed (amoxycillin, you are my one and only). however, this did not last long. i injured my foot on monday and have been bed-bound ever since! oddly enough, the injury involved no fall, with the nerves in my foot deciding to go beserk on me within a second. i'd get shooting pains in my left foot and knees very rarely, but never has it been consistent like this. so ya know, i went to the doctor, he couldn't figure out what was wrong (had tests today), but told me that i have inflamed joints anyway. woohoo! so sxc~

however, i have (sort of) been enjoying time by myself doing essentially nothing whilst doing something (working from home, it never ends). i've played computer games, watched films, that sort of thing.

in other news, work is MANIC. insanely busy to say the least. i've enjoyed working there full-time for sure, and only have a week left because it's back to working from home and coming in whenever i can. for that reason, i'm so desperate to have everything for the next event sorted so that my only remaining worry is making sure that people attend. however, i also have to work with the FLAKIEST club promoter ever (who frankly, is a bit of a dickhead) and have no say in the matter - it's really starting to aggravate me.

i also register for my masters next week, and really look forward to having a set routine again. i can't wait to get better and get back on my treadmill, and to get back on zumba (i somehow converted everyone to it and then ended up ditching it myself). it's going to be a busy week ahead!

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